Fun fact: Blessing Nze didn’t realize she was pregnant until 5 months. Still more, check out 4 pregnancy surprises Blessing Nze says

Blessing Both Obasi, a popular Nollywood actress, and her husband, Stan Nze, have spoken about the joy of learning they were expecting a child.

The fact that the couple is expecting their first child is no longer breаking news. The parents-to-be updated their YouTube subscribers and viewers with intimate details of their pregnancy.

In the video, the couple discusses their contrastive emotions to the pregnancy news. It was just days before Blessing’s birthday on May 6, 2023, that she allegedly found out she was two months pregnant.

She had gone in her husband’s place to a friend’s showroom event, when she complained of a headache and soreness.

She was urged by a friend to take a pregnancy test, but she declined out of feаr that the results would dash her hopes.

She caved in to her insistence and took a pregnancy test, which confirmed her worst fears. The actress said she had been praying for her unborn child for hours before to her breakdown.

Her husband, who was away at the time, surprised her with the news that she was expecting on her special day. He said the most unusual present he’s ever gotten was a baby gift basket from his wife and their friends.

When Blessing finally revealed to Stan that she was expecting, he finally understood what was going on.

Stan Nze and his wife are expecting their first child, which they announced a few hours ago.

Their second wedding anniversary falls on the same day as the party, so they have double reason to rejoice.

Fun fact: Blessing Nze didn’t realize she was pregnant until 5 months. Still more, check out 4 pregnancy surprises Blessing Nze says